Therapeutic Tools
The underwater treadmill is a great tool for providing strength and conditioning. The buoyancy of the water assists with the pet’s weight and removes stress on the joints, along with increased functional use of a limb without marked weight loading and discomfort. The resistance of the water can help patients dealing with muscle atrophy improve strength and mobility. Walking on the underwater treadmill creates a correct and exaggerated gait pattern that assist patients with joint flexion and range of motion. Moreover, the warm water facilitates muscle relaxation and pain relief.
Even healthy dogs can benefit from the underwater treadmill by improving athletic conditioning, cardiovascular fitness, and weight management.
Manual Therapy
Manual therapy consists of soft tissue and joint mobilization, passive range of motion, stretching and massage. These techniques are utilized in much of the same manner as they are performed in human physical therapy. When performed on our pets, manual therapy can decrease pain, improve mobility, increase blood flow, reduce muscle stiffness, improve flexibility, and enhance tissue and joint health as well as function.
Therapeutic Laser
Therapeutic laser is also known as photobiomodulation , low-level light therapy (LLLT) or “cold laser therapy.” It uses infrared light energy to penetrate tissues and improve cellular metabolism. At specific doses and wavelengths it has been proven to decrease inflammation, increase circulation, reduce pain, and accelerate healing. Laser therapy is a non-invasive therapy that is painless. There are no side effects and it is safe to use in pets even with health conditions such as kidney or liver disease.
Acupuncture has been used in humans and animals for thousands of years. Today the American Veterinary Medical Association, as well as the American Medical Association, strongly approve of acupuncture as a valid method of treatment. When used either by itself or in conjunction with Western methods of treatment, veterinary acupuncture can assist the body to heal.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is a non-invasive therapy that has been researched over the past 40 years in both veterinary and human medicine. Thousands of studies have been conducted and demonstrate the effectiveness in the treatment of fractures, tendon repair, nerve regeneration and accelerated healing.
Therapeutic Exercise
A therapeutic exercise program improves functioning, strength and quality of life for veterinary patients in much the same way that it does in human physical therapy. An individualized physiotherapy program is formulated for the patient according to their health, injury, strength and fitness goals. Many therapeutic exercise options can be used in veterinary rehabilitation and the benefits include an increase in strength, range of motion, flexibility, balance, and an awareness of foot placement. With cavalettis, steps, boxes, wobble boards, resistance bands, balance pads, disc, and balls, a therapeutic exercise program can be performed in the clinic. Appropriate exercises are then chosen for a home exercise program along with suggestions and modifications for in the home.
Assisted Devices
The primary goal of veterinary rehabilitation is to achieve the highest level of pain-free function and mobility for our pets. Sometimes this is only accomplished through the use of assisted devices. Devices such as harnesses, toe grips, wraps, braces/orthotics, and wheelchairs/carts can greatly improve mobility, independence, and quality of life. There is a wide range of assistive options available for you and your pets and part of the job of veterinary rehabilitation is to help you choose the appropriate device, ensure proper fit, and to help your pet adjust to the device. With the use of these devices, it is rewarding to witness our animal companions becoming happier as they return to their activities of daily living with confidence.
Electrical Stimulation
Electrotherapy is very useful for pain control, reduction of inflammation, muscle re-education, reversal of atrophy and strengthening. This therapy works at both the tissue and cellular level by affecting both sensory and motor nerves. Patients recovering from orthopedic or neurologic injury or disease can greatly benefit from this modality.
Cryotherapy & Heat Therapy
Ice is an all-natural and effective treatment for arthritic and post-operative joints. Not only does the cold reduce swelling and decrease muscle spasms, but it alleviates pain by decreasing the nerve conduction of pain fibers therefore producing analgesia. When performed with some compression cryotherapy can be even more effective for a painful joint.
Thermotherapy (heat therapy) is generally used to reduce pain, relax muscles, and prepare tissues for exercise or stretching. Heat can be applied by hot packs, infrared light, and warm water. When performed it causes vasodilation which leads to an increase in blood flow and oxygenation of the tissues. Thus, this results in an increase in tissue healing. Because thermotherapy can exacerbate acute inflammation, heat is most often used with chronic conditions such as arthritis.